Understand slang and acronym words used in text and chat.
Slang: very informal use of words, more common in speech than writing, but used in phone texting and chatting/IM(= instant messaging) very often
Acronym: an abbreviation(= a short form of a word or phrase) consisting of the first letters of each word in the name of something. It is used to shorten the message.
- Example: HYD? = How're You Doing?

How to use it in a sentence?
I need to go home asap. (I need to go home right now.)
I'm busy atm. Can I get back to you? (I'm busy right now, can I reply you later?)
He's my bf. Isn't he cute =P (This is my boyfriend. I think he's cute, don't you?)
BRB. I need to go to the washroom. (I'll be right back. I need to go to the washroom.)
I'm going to drop by the supermarket tonight, fyi. (I'm letting you know I'm going to the supermarket later. Let me know if you need anything.)
OMG, did you hear about Hank and Linda! (Surprising news about Hank and Linda.)
Np, that was nothing. (Replying to someone thanking you.)

How to use it in a sentence?
Hey, wtf, why did you do that? (The person is really angry at what you did.)
Can you pmu at 7pm? (Can you drive over and come get me at 7pm?)
btw where are you going tonight? (Changing the subject and asking about your plans)
LMAO. That is hilarious. (Something you said is really funny.)
Can you wait4me after work? (Can you wait for me after work?)
HYD? Haven't seen you in a while. (A way of greeting.)
WUZZUP? (What have you been up to?/How are you doing lately?)

How to use it in a sentence?
I'm going to the party b/c Mark is going too. (I'm going to a party because of a boy I like is going too.)
Thx so much for coming over. (Thanking you for coming over.)
I just DMed you. Check your Instagram inbox. (I just sent you a private message on Instagram)
Cu later!. (A way of saying goodbye.)
I gotta go. Ttyl! (A way of saying goodbye.)
LMK if you are free tonight! (Let me know if you are free tonight, so we can go out.)
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