🗣👂Tips on how to speak English with confidence🙇♀️ 快把這些秘訣學起來,讓妳更有自信地說英文,想要知道更多秘訣可以點這。

Here are 5 tips, but if you find them useful, don't forget to check out my IG Page for more!
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1. Fake it till you make it: self-produced confidence helps learners try and speak the language. This can boost (=increase) your self-esteem. You can adjust your body language. Watch this Tedtalk to know HOW to adjust. 有人說,「弄假直到成真」,想要成功,就要假裝妳已經成功了!假裝妳已經是某人,或是假裝妳已經達成了這件事了,然後一直這樣假裝到妳真的做到為止。 學語言也一樣,就是要假裝有自信,妳就會越來越有自信,別怕!說出口就對了!

2. Stop Being a Student: start thinking of yourself as someone who speaks English and not someone who is learning English. This will help you have more confidence when you are speaking to others because you SPEAK English, even if it is the 100 words you know. You KNOW these words. So use them! Practice makes progress : ) 別一直想著妳是學英文的學生:換個方式思考,妳是會說英文的人,而不是一位在學習英文的人,這樣妳會更有自信地用英文表達自己噢。快試試看:)

3. Don't Be Afraid to Make Mistakes: don't let the fear of saying something wrong stop you from speaking. Mistakes help you learn faster. So what if you make a mistake! Nothing will happen! It is all in your head! You are not learning something new if you are NOT making mistakes. 時常跟學生說,拜託妳多說點話,犯錯,我才有飯吃(阿不是啦XD)。別害怕說錯啦~講錯了又怎麼樣,能溝通敢說才是重點啦📝,所以不是妳英文程度的問題,是你有沒有自信,敢錯才有進步的空間啦~別怕!錯了真的不會少一塊肉!妳如果沒再犯錯,就是沒在學習新的知識!

4. Get used to it (make it a habit): this is how new habits are made; they are unnatural at first, but you get used to it. Make some new habits:
Use sticky-note to name objects around you 👀
Have a conversation with yourself in the mirror for 15 minutes every morning 🗣
Do everyday life things in English 🛒: change your language phone settings to English; write your to-do list in English; listen to a podcast for 15 minutes every day
Remember to combine your interests with your habits. Watch videos about something you are interested in. If you love animals, watch animal-related videos! 🐻🐼🐶

5. Use it or lose it: if you don't practice the skill, you will forget about it easily. (when you learn a new word, try to make sentences a few times with it).
You will remember the word if you use the word 7 times. Use it now, later, and tomorrow.
沒有用「單字」真的就沒用啦~ 很快就忘了它~ 其實跟學習什麼技能都一樣,只要一段時間沒拿出來練習,也會退步,或是根本忘記怎麼用~
學到新的單字最好的方式就是馬上造句,搞笑一點印象更深刻噢XD 而且要用七次才會記得!
Do you like these tips? More tips here: ciiindyenglish Do you want to learn more American English? Follow me: @ciiindyenglish #slang ------------------------------ 追蹤我的IG👉 www.instagram.com/ciiindyenglish 觀看更多英文學習相關的分享及字卡💪😘 📩想與我學習/上課也可以私訊我喔
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