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20 Useful Business Meeting Phrases

Updated: Jun 23, 2019

Giving Opinions:

  • In my opinion, having the party by the beach would be the best opinion.

  • I feel that we need to be prepared if it rains tomorrow.

  • The way I see things is that everyone should bring their own sleeping bags.

Suggesting and Advising:

  • Why don’t we head to Toronto a day in advance, so we don't have to wake up early.

  • I strongly believe we should book our tickets at least a month in advance.

  • I suggest that we buy some toilet paper to store at home.

  • How about we go pick up the groceries tonight.

  • What if we plan a trip to Greece this summer.

  • I suggest / recommend that we book the restaurant today.


  • Exactly!

  • That’s exactly the way I feel.

  • I have to agree with Ben.

  • I’m in favor of Sandra’s plan.


  • I’m afraid I can’t agree. The sales are declining already with no TV adverts.

  • That may be true, however, teenagers spend most of their time on their phones.

  • Up to a point I agree with you, but the stats show that Internet sales increased 40%.

  • I understand what you are saying, but the marketing plans cannot be postponed.


  • May I have a word?

  • If I may, I think that having another marketing campaign would be a great idea.

  • Excuse me for interrupting, the plans for next quarter is already set.

↘ Comment below which phrases you use the most often at work. ↙

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1 comentario

Pochien Tsai
Pochien Tsai
17 jun 2019

I suggest that ...

Me gusta
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