1. Choose an accent
Choose an accent that you would like to have. Listen to videos with people from different countries. Some accents may be harder than others to understand, but don't be too frustrated. Even native speakers have problems when listening to people with different accents, but if you like how it sounds, go for it!
How to practice: Use VoiceTube, different accents can be chosen (American/Australian/British/Other): VoiceTube speeches
2. Imitate native pronunciation
Chose a news report of your interest, or TV show (it is best that it can be replayed and has English subtitles/transcript to follow along). Here are the steps to practice:
1- Listen 2- Repeat 3- Look at the transcript 4- Listen & match words with the sound 5- Repeat again
You may need to listen a couple times. It will help if you write down the words you don't know (don't be lazy and use the English-English dictionary), as well as pay attention to the tone of speech (rise / fall).
How to practice:
-British accent: BBC news, The Great British Bake Off
3. Learn the flow of English
Memorize phrases or sentences, not words. You need to know how to use the words rather than knowing what the word means. Notice their pronunciation and intonation (rise / fall).
Note: If you find a word hard to pronounce, slow the speed down, listen to it again and repeat the words 7 times. Then practice in a normal speed to match the "flow" and natural rhythm of the sentence. Why is intonation so important? Read about it here.
How to practice: Group phrases together and play with the order of the phrases in sentences.
-I'm going to the grocery store on Wednesday with my mom.
Switch order: On Wednesday, I'm going to the grocery store with my mom.
4. Use "slang" when talking
Informal words and expression you would not find in a standard dictionary. However, it is used in conversations when people talk to each other causally. Native speakers talk in slang to be short, fast, and to the point.
Gonna VS Gotta. -I'm gonna (going to) go to bed. = I am heading to bed. -I gotta(got to) go to bed. = I have to go to bed now.
How to practice: Watch TV series (The Big Bang Theory/Friends) and turn on the subtitles to follow along.
5. Know English idioms
To understand English like a native speaker, you have to be familiar with idioms. They are used in daily situations so it is important to be aware of them. You need to learn what they mean, and how to use them to become an "insider".
How to practice: Learn 7 idioms a day through idiomsite or search for "idioms" on this blog.
6. Add in some "fillers"
Filler words can be an English learner's best friends. They are words with no meaning. They’re used, like, literally all the time. If you feel stuck on finding the right words to say, use them. (BUT not too often!)
How to practice: Come to have a trial lesson with Cindy. We will go through the words and on how to use them in different situations : ) Book a class now!